This is one of those press releases we just had to get out there.
Thursday, December 13th, will be Free Ski Day at Brian Head Resort. There will be FREE Lift Tickets and FREE Rentals. We are no longer accepting reservations for Ski School, as our classes are full.
For those who have already made reservations for Free Ski Day, we’re excited that you will be joining us. We just wanted to take minute and go over a few minor details to ensure that your day is as enjoyable as possible.
For those who enrolled in one of our renowned ski or snowboarding lesson programs, check in will start at 9:30 a.m. in the Navajo Lodge Learning Center. If you have children enrolled in Kids Camp, please remember that you will need to pick them up for lunch, or if you choose, you can purchase their lunch for $7 at check in that we will be serving to the children in our Kids Camp lunch room.
The ski and snowboard equipment that will be provided for the day free of charge will be our standard rental equipment packages, which is the latest ski and snowboard equipment available anywhere. If you would like to try our high performance rental equipment, we will also have those packages available to rent for just $40.00 for skis and $47.00 for snowboards.
Finally, if you have children you would like to enroll in daycare, our State-licensed daycare facility will be open and the cost is $15.00 per hour or $85.00 for the day.
Jon Christoffersen
Marketing, Sales and PR Manager
You just gotta love the folks at Brian Head for putting this out to start the season.